2 results for month: 09/2014

Mauritian Chilli Paste (Mazavaroo) – *upon request*

"Mazavaroo", in creole, is a hot chilli condiment/paste made of fresh chillies, garlic, preserved lemons, spices and a fresh raisin paste. Back in Mauritius, we typically eat chillies with practically everything! In fact you'll find either freshly chopped hot chillies or this Mauritian "Mazavaroo" Chilli Paste with pretty much every meal! Since not everyone in this part of the world loves overly spicy food, Taste of Mauritius Catering offers this condiment as a complimentary side with all orders, but UPON REQUEST ONLY! Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free    

White Basmati Rice

Our Light and fluffy-textured White Basmati Rice cooked to perfection is included with every main order. Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free