3 results for month: 07/2017

Mauritian Chinese Fried Noodles “Mine Frire” (with chicken)

Fried noodles, or "mine frire"/"mine spécial" in Mauritian Creole,  is an amazing Mauritian Chinese classic popular with ALL Mauritians on the island regardless of your ethnicity there. It is even extremely loved by tourists visiting the island too. Basically, the noodles are prepared with chopped pieces of marinated chicken breast (pork, beef, prawn and/or sausages can also be added to the dish) along with carrots, cabbage, chinese chives as well as bok choy, omelette slices and other vegetables.  All ingredients are combined in a wok and stir-fried in a specially prepared sauce. The finished dish is often times drizzled ...

Mauritian Chinese Fried Noodles “Mine Frire” (with tofu)

VEGETARIAN VERSION (absolutely no meat) Fried noodles, or "mine frire"/"mine spécial" in Mauritian Creole,  is an amazing Mauritian Chinese classic popular with ALL Mauritians on the island regardless of your ethnicity there. It is even extremely loved by tourists visiting the island too. Basically, the noodles are prepared with chopped pieces of marinated chicken breast (pork, beef, prawn and/or sausages can also be added to the dish) along with carrots, cabbage, chinese chives as well as bok choy, omelette slices and other vegetables.  All ingredients are combined in a wok and stir-fried in a specially prepared sauce. The finished dish is ...

Garlicky chilli-vinegar dressing

The finished noodle dish is often times drizzled with a little bit of garlicky chilli-vinegar dressing - slighly sweet and tangy but not spicy! Delish!!! Vegetarian, Vegan, Dairy-Free