*OUR DIVALI GIFT TO YOU* with your November 13 Friday Takeaway orders!

In honour of this beautiful “Festival of Lights” expect a small sweet filled gift-box from us with all your incredible Biryani Friday Takeaway orders! Divali is one of the most widely celebrated and brightest festival for Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains all over the world. Known as the “Festival of Lights,” it is celebrated by decorating homes with lights and lanterns called “diyas” symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. A significant part of the festivities is also sharing incredible food and more importantly prepared sweets with family and friends. These sweets are usually a small gesture of greeting family and friends with the joy of celebrating the festival. Gifting them ideally is symbolizes the spreading of happiness during these memorable festivities.



To Order

Visit our Takeaway Menu Page for the full menu & place your orders!

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